With a growing number of students with allergies and/or other issues related to food, at the recent Parent Meeting, I discussed a continuing concern about food brought to school to share with class members. We have emphasized “healthy treats” to celebrate birthdays in the primary grades, but even those can cause a health risk to many. Therefore, from this point on, our policy changes and we will lower risk by having no food brought to school to share with classmates.
Please encourage your student(s) to eat the foods you select for snacks and lunches and to bring home anything uneaten. Please remind your student(s) that what is normal and healthy for some, may be an extreme danger to others. At school events, such as class parties for Christmas & Valentine’s Day or the Spirit Day Lunch, careful attention will be given to food selections. For students who stay for Extended Day Care, we are following a daily schedule of specific snacks served weekly without variation.