Dear Kindergarten Families,
Thank you for all who were able to come help for Primary Centers. Our students always enjoy the time creating in centers. I appreciate your help in class and those who help from home. It would be difficult to do this without you!
We are asking for all families to contribute to the food pantry – bags came home on Friday. Look for the red containers any morning this week.
Wednesday is a non-uniform dress – please donate a dollar or two – all proceeds go directly to the St. Vicente de Paul Society.
Religion – second week of Advent, Chapter 12 Choosing is Good, Mary is the perfect follower of Jesus. Mary shows us how we can attain happiness by following God’s will. We learn to pray to Mary who will always help us do as God wants.
ELA – workshops for Reading and Phonics pair nicely looking at letters, sounds and words. Phonic skills find us learning a word by sight (snap) words and hearing syllables and rhymes which help our beginning reading skills. Writing workshop continues with pictures and writing in steps telling how to make or do something. Here we write words by listening to the sounds and doing our best to spell.
Science lessons continue with animals – this week insects. We actually have a backyard lab! We have been following the Monarch’s as they come lay eggs, next caterpillars eat milkweed and will begin to build their chrysalis. Also an extra treat: Sugar Snap Peas are starting to produce.

EM (everyday math) This week we move into section 4. We begin adding and subtracting as walk on a number line. Playing cards games will help to promote addition and subtraction skills. We will begin to use the addition symbol and relation symbol =. Patterns will be reviewed later in the week.
Social studies continues with mapping skills.
Next week we have an art lesson with Miss Nancy
Continue to practice with your child their lines for the Christmas program!
Enjoy your week!
Mrs. Brown