We’ll light the second candle of our Advent wreath this week! Advent Paraliturgy will be Monday morning at 9:00 in Biedermann Hall.
Tuesday we will celebrate the feast of the Immaculate Conception by going to Mass at 8:30. Please join us if your schedule allows.
Please don’t forget Teddy Bear Day is Wednesday morning!
The Christmas Program is next Wednesday at 6:30. Hopefully all received the note from Mrs. Lyle concerning what to wear. If you have any questions, please let me know.
Parent – Teacher conferencing this week brings early dismissal (11:30) Wednesday through Friday.
Art lesson on Tuesday morning!
This week our beginning sound /k/; initial letter C; short /a/; blending and segmenting word families and a holiday rhyming booklet. Math finds us identifying pairs of numbers that add up to 10 and graphing favorite colors.
Short days this week with lots of Christmas Program practice!
See you soon 🙂
Mrs. Carol Brown