Dear Families,


Fifth grade Progress Reports will be sent home on Tuesday, December 8th.  Please sign and return the envelope to me by Friday.  I look forward to seeing everyone at Parent-Teacher Conferences this week.  We will have a 11:30 dismissal on December 9, 10, and 11.  December 9th is Teddy Bear Day.  Please bring in a stuffed animal by Wednesday morning.  Below is an overview of our week:

Religion:  We will be focusing on Advent.  We will be going to Mass on December 8th for the Immaculate Conception of Mary at 8:30.  Please join us if your schedule allows.

ELA:  The strategy we are focusing on this week is tuning into interesting words.

Math: We will be practicing solving division number stories and interpreting remainders.  Our Unit 4 math test will be next Tuesday.  There is no IXL this week.

Social Studies:  We will look at reasons why selling crops was important to the people om the southern colonies. We will start reviewing for our chapter 5 test which will be on next Wednesday December 16th.

Science:  We will have our chapter 4 test on Monday December 14th.

Vocabulary: Unit 6

Grammar:  We will be talking our unit 2 test on Tuesday.

Please let me know if you have any questions.  Thank you.

Ms. Carney
