At the Principals’ Meeting in January, Sister Kathleen Burns, SND led a biblical reflection focusing on God’s call to each of us with a message that we must be open to the “journey” our life presents to us just as Abraham, Moses, Mary, and the apostles were. I shared this reflection at our meeting as the faculty studied the Bible passages Sister Kathleen selected. We continue the discussion of our efforts to complete the goals set in last year’s Religion in-depth study: our students’ age-appropriate progress through The Apostles’ Creed and growing knowledge of The Mass. We are looking at the Mission & Philosophy Statement survey results, and with another survey, included in today’s Family Envelope concerning The Parents’ Role as the Primary Educators of Their Children, both will help us maintain our Catholic Identity as we continue to review the results at a later meeting. Finally, we turned our attention to this year’s in-depth study of Science, editing the final draft of the section, Using Curriculum Standards, and reviewing and amending the notes from an earlier discussion of the section, Research-Based Instruction. When these two sections are final summaries, we will complete our analysis of the ITBS test results and set one or two specific goals to improve our Science curriculum.
