I am hoping everyone enjoyed the long weekend. It is good to be back at Sacred Heart School and in class with your kinders! There is no place like home. I visited a very nice school in North Hills as a visiting team for WCEA /WASC.
Thank you for all the Valentine cards, sweet treats, roses, and goodies. I sure appreciate all your warm wishes.
As we move into this new week, I am sure you are all aware we are going on our first field trip! Be sure to ask your children all about plants and healthy foods when they come home today. The ride on the bus will be very exciting, too.
Next Monday, February 27, we have an outreach program. It is all about insects. Another enrichment program giving a hands-on approach fulfilling our Life Science standard. It is called Ladybug Lady and Her Creepy Crawly Friends. I apologize for having many programs so near to each other, but it could not be avoided. Cost for this is $2.50. Payment will be collected in March. Envelopes will come home at the end of next week.
Ash Wednesday is this week. If your schedule allows, please come and join us at 8:30 Mass. Our religion lessons will reflect the Lenten message: to grow in God’s love, pray and do good deeds. In class, our sunflower seeds have sprouted, we will watch them grow in soil during the 40 days of Lent. Next Wednesday, we will be attending the Stations of the Cross at 2:00. As always parents are welcome to join us.
***Please return library books each week in order for your child to check out a new one***
Language arts continues as we write using our best print. Please encourage this at home. Sounds of short vowels /a/ and /i/ this week and the word families ‘at’, ‘an’ ‘ig’ and ‘it’. Sight words are coming home this week, continue to practice nightly and look for sight words in the books you read with your child. Comprehension strategies for reading: looking for the characters and components of the story; (who, where, and when) then break down the story by the beginning, middle, and end.
Chapter 5, math lessons continue with numbers 0-12. We are adding numbers to 12 by using a hands-on approach with a number line and with manipulative counters, and practicing correct number formation.
The President’s Day quilt looks great on our wall, thank you for sending in the quarters and pennies. This week we will discuss how our past presidents lived and their part in the history of our country.
Friday is a full day…an activity with our School Families in the afternoon.
Have a great week, please write if you have any questions or concerns.
Mrs. Carol Brown