Dear Parents, September 16, 2013
In language arts this week, we will work on the consonants n, f, p, and we will keep working on short /a/. Since we are still working on short /a/ there will not be any new spelling words this week. Our reading strategy this week is summarizing and our comprehension skill that will help with summarizing is compare and contrast. Paying attention to how things are the same (compare) and how things differ (contrast) in a story can help us summarize the story. Our phonics focus this week is the sound of n, f, and p as both initial and final sounds in words. We will continue with the short /a/ and will practice blending our letter sounds together. Our grammar focus is on uppercase letters for the beginning of sentences and for character names. We will not be having a spelling test this week so that we may review the short /a/ and begin writing these words in simple sentences. We will begin testing for sight words this week. If your child knows the previous words then a new set will be going home this week. As a reminder these are sight words, to be recognized by sight within 3 seconds- they are not to be sounded out.
In math, we continue our study of “Everyday Uses of Numbers” by beginning our week with exploring lengths and use pennies and nickels for help along the way. In our math series, Everyday Math we explore a number of ways to comprehend our common core standards. For the past weeks and the next coming weeks we continue to work on a number of standards but focus on the standard 1.OA.6 “Add and Subtract within 20, demonstrating fluency for addition and subtraction within 10”. Simply put this means we use a lot of ways to practice our math facts, including the use of money, rulers, clocks, tally marks and much more!
For those that could attend, I hope you enjoyed our performance of the “Days of Creation”. They were fantastic and I am very proud of them! In religion this week, we are back in our Christ Our Life religion book and our focus is “God Our Father is Holy”.
Social studies, has us focusing on how we can help others, good manners and classroom rules.
In science, we will be studying parts of plants with a focus on roots this week. We have a special announcement! Our first field trip is coming up! We will be going to the Painted Pony Farm to enjoy apple picking and continue our studies of plants and the parts of plants! Our second grade friends will be joining us on this field trip! We will be going on September 23. A permission slip will be coming home on Monday. I ask that you return this form as soon as possible as any student without a form will be unable to attend.
Reminders for the week:
- Please remind your child to bring their library book to school on Tuesday so that they may check out a new one.
- Please remember PE uniforms on Tuesday and Thursday.
- Wednesday is $1 Free Dress day.
- Wednesday: Parent Meeting in Biedermann Hall from 6:30pm until 7:30pm.
- Please work with your child on tying their shoes. If your student cannot tie his or her shoes, our handbook asks that they please wear Velcro shoes until they do know how. Thank you.
- Primary Centers is on Friday and therefore will be a noon dismissal. (Teachers have a meeting!)
- It is “All About… Hope” this week. Congratulations!
If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know. Have a wonderful week!
Ms. Manning