Dear Parents, September 12, 2016
Here’s what we are learning in first grade this week!
Language Arts: Our Readers Workshop has us focusing on building our “good habits” in reading by using picture clues to determine difficult words and making sure to look at all parts of our words. In Writers Workshop we are working to stretch out (sound out) our words so that we can better spell them, focus on small moments, and reading our writing as we read books. In addition, we will also be focusing on specific phonetic skills. This week, we will be highlighting the sounds associated with the letters /n/ (noodle), /f/ (fish), /p/ (pig), and /a/ (apple).
We will begin our Spelling Unit this week as well with our test at the end of the week. Most of our homework will come from our Spelling Book, however we will start our week with “Rainbow Write”. This will be introduced and started in class, with the rest to be completed at home. In class, students will write the spelling words a total of three times. The first word is to remain in pencil. The second and third words are to be completed in Rainbow Write. Rainbow Write is completed as follows: 1) Select three different colors (pencils/crayons) 2) Trace over the second word with your first color, then your second, and then your third. 3) Complete the third word in the same manner as your second word with the same three colors.
Math: We will begin our second unit in math! We will focus on number grids, numbers being all around, complements of 10, and unit labels for numbers. We will be heading into the computer lab this week to complete a bit of our IXL skills.
Science: We are continuing to learn about plant parts this week with lessons focusing on the roles of leaves and roots. We will be headed into the science lab on Tuesday for our first science experiment.
Social Studies: We are working from our first unit titled “School Days”. This week we are learning about school workers and how to read a map key.
Religion: This week we are working from our Family textbook. We will be focusing on chapter 3: God is Our Father.
Homework for the Week: (Don’t forget to read every night!)
- Monday: Skill A.14 and Rainbow Write (See ELA section for details)
- Tuesday: Math Worksheet and Spelling Book p. 53-54
- Wednesday: Math Worksheet and Spelling Book p. 55
- Thursday: Math Worksheet and Spelling Book p. 56
- Friday: Read 2 times!
Reminders for the Week:
- PE Uniforms on Tuesday and Thursday
- Friday is a full day. We will be having an assembly at 1:30. During this assembly, first grade will be performing a poem about the creation story. Please join us if you can!
Upcoming Events:
- $1 Free Dress on September 21. All proceeds will be donated to Adopt-A-Family.
- Our first Primary Centers is on September 30th! There are typically 4-5 volunteer spots available within the first grade classroom. If you would like to volunteer, please email me to check for availability of a volunteer spot.
Have an amazing week!
Mrs. Basamanowicz