Happy Tuesday!
This month seems like time picks up speed until the end of the year! Today we admired our bulletin board on the character of “Snowflake Bentley” the man who microphotographed over 5000 snowflakes in the late 19th century. They worked very hard to think of words that expressed their wonder this early pioneer of photography!
Yesterday was the 100th day of school. We had so much fun, that we will continue this to do activities using the number 100 as a goal! Today, we wrote about our favorite memories of our first 100 school days. We received a special new reading tool to use during independent reading too!
I love using student-sized handheld plastic phones that the students can speak into and hear themselves through the ear opening. It is an amazing way for them to listen to their voices sounding out words! But more importantly, they love hearing themselves read!
In PE, we continue to practice “Pick up Jax” games that strengthen hand-eye coordination. It is a wonderful way to build stamina for reading and writing!
Wednesday: Music
Thursday: PE
Friday: 2pm dismissal!
Sunday: Sacred Heart School Mass at 9:30
Have a wonderful week!
Trudi Driscoll