Hello Families!
Last week was wet but wonderful! We were able to be outside some of last week, and when we couldn’t, we had fresh air walks around the campus to stretch our legs and listen to the light rain falling.
This week we will be working on our Lent activities. We will also discuss Jesus’ life of good works and how we can learn from them.
In math, we will review the number chart with challenge activities where missing numbers need to be written in empty spaces across, down, and skipping by tens. We are up to 120! So we will be filling in these higher number challenges! There is an example below. We will also review quarters and add them to mixed coin groups.
In writing and literature, we are still working on finishing our tree poems. We are also continuing to learn about fairy tales with versions of the “Three Bears”. These versions also help with story sequence and recall concepts.
Thank you for sending in your family pet pictures! We have enjoyed learning about them and how to care for them. We also enjoyed the “special news” photos of trips and things too! They are becoming very good at presenting in front of the class.

Reminders: Lazy Dog restaurant fundraiser! See school email.
Monday: 9:30 Music
Tuesday: 12:30 PE
Wednesday: 9:30 Music, Stations of the Cross in the afternoon
Thursday: 12:30 PE
Friday: 2pm Dismissal

Have a wonderful week!
Trudi Driscoll
