I hope you had a wonderful three day weekend! We will have a fun filled week with lots of fun ways of learning and Grandparents day on Friday.
Kids have been doing great returning their planner daily.
Your child is learning to neatly write their assignments in their planner daily planner. The homework assignment below is what you should see written in their planner except for the worksheet (no room to write in planner).
- Reading Log 15+ min. daily (Students must write their own name, write tally marks, & write minutes)
- Math Skill A.2
- Language Skill E.1
- Math/Language Worksheet (Please make sure your child colors the worksheet/writes their own name)
Reading Log: Students are to read or be read to for 15 minutes daily. Please have your child write their name at the top of the reading log and fill in tally marks.
If you have any questions, please send me an email.
Language Arts: We continue to work on Kindergarten Review. We are reviewing letter sounds( M, S, T, G, H, F, P, A, B) and printing letters. We continue our Reader’s Workshop by learning how to take a sneak peek at our book before reading it. In writing, we will complete writing assessements on informational writing.
Math: We will work on finding out patterns, tally marks, greater and less than and continue completing assessments.
Religion: Family Life Series/We will complete our unit on Family. 🙂
Science: I will introduce the Plant unit. 🙂
- We will visited the school library on Tuesday and checked out a book. Students can bring their books home but they MUST be returned to school each Tuesday in order for them to check out a new book. Use the book as part of your reading log.
- Remember PE uniforms on Tuesday and Thursday! Please make sure that long hair is pulled back and all students are wearing tennis shoes that they can tie themselves.
- As a reminder, if your child cannot tie their own shoes, your student must wear Velcro shoes, especially on P.E. days. Please see our school handbook for more information regarding dress code.
- We have Mass every Friday. All families are welcome to attend at 8:30. Every first Friday of the month, we have a “family mass” where children participate in mass including our friends (3-8) in choir.
- Friday is a noon-dismissal day.
BIG DAY ON FRIDAY!!!! GRANDPARENTS DAY! Please remind grandparents or special guest to meet on the side of the church by the rectory. When they see their grandchild, they may join them in line. First grade sits on the first 10 pews on the right side of the church if you are entering from the main enterance. Please let me know if your child will not have a grandparent or special guest on this day. I make sure your child is sitting with their buddy during church or me. 🙂
Please send me an email with any questions. 🙂
Have a great week
Mrs. Perez-Vazquez