
  • Reading Log: Read 20 min. a day (at least 5 times a week)
  • Practice new word sort. Go over word patterns with your child. A reminder that test day may change due to extra time needed to review sort.  Please take the time to go over the meaning of their spelling words. You can find their spelling words in their planner. 
  • Fluency
  • Math IXL: O.3, I.2, G.9

Sneak Peek To Our Academic Week

MATH:  Unit 6: We are learning to add coins using quarters.

What to review in math:

identify value of coins (dime/nickel/penny/quarter) DDNP=26 cents QP=26 cents

*Telling time to the hour and half hour. 

*simple addition & subtraction to 20 (7+3/6+5/10-3/13-5/10+10/20-12)



What is the book teaching you?

What did you learn?

What did other things are you wondering about after reading the book?

We are reading nonfiction and remembering the information we have learned. We are telling our friends about what we learned. Always share new information so you can retain the information.


Persuasive Writing: The focus this week is taking a look at our writing. Ask yourself:

Do you have punctuation marks?

Did you begin with a capital letter?

Did I write all the sounds in the word?

Did I spell my sight words correctly like was, they, the….?

We are thinking about ways to solve problems at school, at home, or in our world. We can make a poster/write a letter/write about it to make a change. We have identified problems so now we will begin writing reasons or ways to make the change (WHY?).  

SPELLING/WORD SORT:  Look in their planner for the spelling words. The spelling test will be on Monday.  Remember some groups get their words for two weeks if needed. 

RELIGION: We will have our first School Mass on Wednesday with students only.


Please make sure you look at our school website for any school activities or assemblies. 

*JOG-A-THON Information on the school website. Make sure your child wears their P.E. clothes on Friday.

* Please read our school family newsletter. We have Jogathon coming up next week. I’ve only seen a few poster papers delivered to show your child your support. Don’t forget to place your orders for Kona ICE, shout-outs, and poster.  I encourage families to turn in their posters by Thursday.

*Friday, Jogathon with a NOON dismissal for all.  

 If you have any questions, please send me an email. 

Mrs. Vazquez
