Dear Parents,                 September 8, 2014

I hope all enjoyed their weekend! This letter is a long one (sorry!) but please read all of it as there is a lot of important information all the way through.

In language arts this week, we will work on the consonants n, f, p, and we will keep working on short /a/.  Our reading strategy this week is summarizing and our comprehension skill that will help with summarizing is compare and contrast.  Paying attention to how things are the same (compare) and how things differ (contrast) in a story can help us summarize the story.  Our phonics focus this week is the sound of n, f, and p as both initial and final sounds in words.  We will continue with the short /a/ and will practice blending our letter sounds together.  Our grammar focus is on uppercase letters for the beginning of sentences and for character names.

We will start our weekly spelling words (short sound of /a/) this week. The words will come from Unit 4. The spelling words are posted to Under the “Search” tab, please go to “teachers/parents” and type in my name when prompted (Katie Manning). Once you click on my name it should redirect you to my page where all of the spelling words are posted. Please click and practice the activities from Unit 4.

Please check the daily planner for homework.  Homework this week will start off with “Rainbow Write 2X” in the spelling journal and is to be completed using the “touch-bump-touch” method. “Rainbow Write 2X” will be taught in class on Monday. Essentially it is writing the spelling word two more times in pencil.  Then, pick three colors and trace over the newly written words using one color at a time. We will have our spelling test Thursday morning.

In math, we will begin Unit 2! We will start with the number grid and move our way to complements of 10. Please make sure that you are completing the homework online! This is part of your child’s math grade. Monday night’s homework will be from There will be a username and password within your students red homework folder. Please log in and go to “Online games” under “Games and Practice”. Once there you will find the “One player games” listed. As our daily planner will state it will be “Domino Top-it”.

Social studies finds us focusing on school workers and practicing how to read a map and map key. In addition, we will continue to add to our social studies journals.

In science we continue to learn about plants but focusing on the role of roots. We will also be doing a fun and exciting lab on Tuesday!

In religion, we are back to our religion book and chapter 3, “God is Our Father”.

Reminders for the week:

  • Please remind your child to bring their library book to school on Tuesday. The children can bring their books home but they MUST be returned to school the following Tuesday in order for them to check out a new book.
  • PE is on Tuesday and Thursday. Please make sure that your child is following the dress code for PE days!
  • Wednesday is Picture Day! Students must be in uniform.
  • Please continue to work with your child on tying their shoes and as a reminder, if they cannot tie their shoes they must wear Velcro shoes until they can. Please see the handbook on this policy.
  • Friday is a full day of school!

Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.  Have a wonderful week!

Ms. Manning
