Fall is in the air as we begin the month of October.

Students are having a good time using the IXL math site and Spelling City.  I just got a report from IXL and am very happy to see how much time each child has been spending doing math on the site.  A few students need to catch up!

This week in math we continue chapter 2 and will  even get into a bit of algebra.  Social studies time is spent reading about and discussing the early Native American tribes of California.  We continue the study of life science with vocabulary such as species, adaptation, and seed dispersal. We will be wrapping up Gooseberry Park by next week and instead of another vocabulary quiz, we will play a “game” with the vocabulary from chapters 11-19.

Please check your child’s folder tomorrow for his or her progress report.

Friday is a FULL DAY.

Have a good week!

Mrs. Sharon Redmond
