Fourth grade has been learning more about the parts of the Mass.  We have been discussing the Mass in terms of sacrifice.  Students learned that there are two reasons for offering our sacrifice to God. One is to give adoration, the other to show sorrow for our sins. We have talked about how very early Christians offered gifts of lambs or their most perfect produce as gifts of sacrifice to God to show they were sorry for their sins. For a gift of sacrifice to be acceptable to God, it has to be entirely surrendered, meaning either consumed or burned. God would then accept the sacrifices as signs of man’s sorrow for sin; but still the debt was not completely paid.  This led to our discussion of God loving man so much that He sent Himself in the form of His son, Jesus.  Jesus was the perfect sacrifice.

Our discussions have been a great lead into Lent, with Ash Wednesday next week.  Stay tuned, more to follow!
