Scrip may be purchased over the summer by email or voicemail. Please leave your name, daytime phone number, grade of your child and your scrip order. Orders placed by 9AM will be filled within 2 business days, subject to inventory on hand. You will be contacted when your order is ready for pick-up in the school office or church rectory. Payment may be made by check, or cash in the exact amount.  The scrip office will be closed July 1-5 and July 22-26. The next “First Sunday” scrip sales  outside church will be August 4th  from 8:15-11:45. Scrip will also be available for sale during the uniform sale and orientation. Please visit the scrip office prior to heading to the uniform sale in the Hall. reloads and ScripNow! certificates using PrestoPay will not be affected by the closure. See the website for their processing schedule.   The latest scrip order form is available on the school’s website.