Happy New Year!
I hope all enjoyed celebrating baby Jesus’ birth!
As we begin our week in 2018 – our class will spend time reviewing daily work and completing projects from the days we spent together in December.
Next week: I look forward to conferencing with all parents- please look over the schedule sent home on December 19. If you need to make a change, please call Mrs. Hahn.
Birthday Announcements:
Brynn celebrated her birthday (12/20) on our last day before vacation. In January we celebrate 5 birthdays!! Sebastian (1/5), Rocky (1/12), Addison (1/22), Thomas (1/24) and Alexia on (1/28).
Religion- Epiphany and the visit of the Magi. Chapter 12 ‘Choosing is Good’ we focus on making good choices as Mary did when she said YES to God.
ELA- reviewing words that rhyme and rhyming letters, initial sounds in poems and stories. Story components as we listen to stories read. Readers Workshop finds us reading informational text. Writing Workshop will review and focus our writing skills on a true story with beginning, middle and ending parts.
Math – comparing weight with the pan balance, predicting and testing the weights of objects. Vocabulary terms: weight, compare, heavier, lighter, level, balance and equal.
Science – changes winter brings for people, plants, and animals.
Social Studies – Martin Luther King, Jr.
**Please note this Friday is a full day of school.
This should take us through the week!
Blessings to your families,
Mrs. Brown