Get ready to come visit our classroom! We will begin Catholic Schools Week on Friday with Parent’s Day. If your schedule permits, please join us at 8:30 for Mass, the time for parents to visit classrooms will be shortly after Mass.
Tuesday we will celebrate 100 days of school. Your children have been waiting for this day! Amazing, we are half-way through the school year. Please return 100-Day bags filled with 100 items by Tuesday.
Something else on Tuesday, Progress Reports! — please sign and return by January 30.
This week when we will visit the library and we will check out a book. This is another reason to enjoy the half-way mark of school. It is an important responsibility for your child to remember to return the book by Monday each week. Please help them be responsible.
Another January birthday, we will be celebrating Isaiah’s special day Thursday.
Our academics:
We are learning about protective love Jesus has for each of us. In the parable of Jesus the Good Shepherd, your child has learned of God’s constant care and concern for us.
Language arts centers are busy with short /a/ words, sight words, letter formation and strategies for comprehension.
Math has us counting by 1’s, 5’s, and 10’s, writing numbers 0-12, and comparing numbers-more, less and equal. We are adding objects finding sums and writing a number sentence.
Our continued study of the black bears and our five senses has us in the Science lab each Wednesday. A craft for Chinese New Year and a look China on the map for our Social Studies lesson. That will take us through the week.
Hope to see everyone on Friday!
Sunday is Open House on our campus from 12:00 to 2:00.
Mrs. Carol Brown