I hope everyone enjoyed their Christmas vacation with family and friends. The New Year is here and it is time to settle back in to the routine of school. I want to express my thanks to our room moms and to all who came to help with our Christmas party. The center activities worked out perfect as did the book exchange. Thank everyone for all your Christmas wishes, hugs, cards, and gifts.
I did find a hard cover book children’s book at my desk, I would like to thank the thoughtful person who left it for our class.
Over the Christmas break, Paloma and Vadim celebrated their birthdays! This week we will acknowledge their special day in class. Carlos will celebrate his birthday this week as well.
This Friday is an all school Mass celebrating Epiphany please come and join us at 8:30 as your schedule permits. Our religion lessons will reflect the birth of Jesus and the coming of the Magi.
Theme 4 will begin this week in our Reading series, covering the sound of short vowel /a/ and the ‘at’ and ‘an’ families. Consonants Nn and Hh will be reviewed along with sight words, ‘I, see, my, like’. Simple sentence practice with sight word cards and in our journals.
December Book -It forms are due this week to earn a pizza certificate. You may print a pdf copy of this form for January. Our goal is for 80 to 100 minutes per week. Click on Yummyminute-1 for a copy. If you have trouble printing, let me know, I’ll send one home in your child’s gold folder.
Math will continue with identifying numbers 0-12, counting with the number line and using “tens frames”. For science, we will finish the unit on our five senses and and begin to discover the changes winter brings for plants and animals. During the winter and spring months we will record Lily the bear as we observe her through hibernation via a live web cam. Click on “bear” if you would like more information. A unit on Martin Luther King Jr. and his message will be our focus in Social Studies the next two weeks.
As always, feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.
Have a wonderful week,
Mrs. Carol Brown