It is amazing that June is already here. This year went by so fast, but we are not finished yet! We still have much to do as we complete this school year. Your children are doing a wonderful job! I am very proud of their growth and success in kindergarten.
Our religion focus is to rejoice. Chapter 24 teaches us that the risen Jesus is the source of Christian joy. The message through prayer: bringing joy and compassion to others shows we love God.
Our reading strategy focus continues with beginning, middle, end and to compare and contrast all stories read. Short vowel /u/ and reviewing consonants /l/, /b/, and /c/. Sight word, sentence structure, and printing practice review continue this week and next.
Math finds us working with geometric shapes, addition, and subtraction.
Science – looking at natural resources and experimenting with water.
We are not finished celebrating the success of Jogathon!
Free dress on Wednesday and Friday!
Have a great week!
Mrs. Carol Brown