Grace and Leea have June birthdays! July birthdays – Joseph and Sergio!
On Wednesday, our last Jogathon free dress. Library books must be returned by Thursday. We will visit the library for a story, only. Friday is a noon dismissal.
As we learn about Pentecost, our religion focus continues with joy, love, peace and the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
ELA–Review of all vowels and consonant sounds. We will practice our writing skills, read together in reading groups, and work on our sentence structure. Read together nightly stopping for questions as to what happens in the beginning, middle, and end of the stories.
EM– Various methods to strengthen our number sense. We will use the number grid, dice, dominoes, manipulative counters and games. Understanding the value of coins is difficult for most children. Please visit ixl ‘Money’ section R and any other section of the site. Continue to play the EM games to reinforce skills.
Science and Social studies will be review of life cycles and our National Symbols. We will continue to learn about healthy foods and nutrition.
This should take us through the week!
Mrs. Carol Brown