Hello Kindergarten Families!
We are doing a great job in school. Lots to learn everyday π and we are making steady progress.
Religion β Chapter 4 Godβs World is Good our wonderful world and all the good around us. A moment with Jesus: how can we help take care of the world. Part of the lesson will be a reflection on paper.
Language Arts β last couple weeks we worked on the βnasalβ sounds of /m/ and /n/. This week we begin the βstopsβ starting with sounds /p/ and /b/. Printing daily our names, introducing sight words: I, see, me. We will spend time on writing this week. Reading individually and with a partner.
Math β patterns, sorting using shapes, counters. Counting by 10βs and 1βs and number formation.
Science β last week we examined lima bean seeds soaked in red food coloring. It was easy to note the parts of a seed. Taking apart the seed we could see the coat, food and tiny plant. This week we will look a the sprouted beans. And do an activity to β understanding how roots draw water and minerals through the stem.
Social Studies β rules in our home, school and community.
Read to and with your child for 15 minutes nightly. As your read together, spend time discussing the story, what happens first, middle, and end of story. Choose a favorite part and do the book response. Tell in a picture or a few words why someone should read that book. Have your child do the drawing!
Go to the World Book Web (worldbookonline.com) β we worked to get your students on the site today. We will do an animal report along with a book response for this coming week.
Both papers and IXL skills below are due next Tuesday, October 4. IXL is a practice, although your child should work towards mastery in the skills. I will make time in class to work on IXL skills.
IXL Math
Language Arts
B New! pick the lower case letter that matches
B. 2 Find the lowercase letters
Primary Centers on Friday!! This will be fun and crafts will come home! Parents who are coming to assist β please stop by office β sign in and get your volunteer badge.
Friday is a 12:00 dismissal
Mrs. Brown