It is hard to believe this is our last week of kindergarten. It has been a wonderful year. This week we will wrap up our kindergarten academics and celebrate kindergarten as we work through this week.
Monday afternoon is “Family Field Day” – your children are coming to school in a T-shirt or pants that match the Super Hero colors of their school family. Yearbooks come out today, too.
Tuesday is the most regular day this week. We will follow our normal academic pattern and some fun and games with our buddies in the afternoon.
Wednesday is graduation Mass for eighth grade students, we will sit with our 4th grade buddies behind the graduating class. Parents and family members are as always welcome to attend Mass with us at 8:30.
Thursday is “Spirit Day” with free, free dress and a noon dismissal. We will have a kickball tournament and hot dog lunch. Please pack a lunch if your child does not care for this lunch treat.
Friday dismissal is a 10:00. We attend Mass and back to class for goodbyes and report cards!
I have truly enjoyed your children -what a great class 🙂 All parents and grandparents – bravo! Your continued support reinforced our academics, social growth, and made learning fun. Again, thank you for help with the many school activities at home and here at school.
Hayden will enjoy her birthday in July!
Have a wonderful week! Enjoy your summer days with family and friends. Then swing into first grade!!
Blessings to your families,
Mrs. Carol Brown