I enjoyed meeting with all of you during conferences. Thank you for making the time to meet and discuss your child’s progress.
The last week of school for 2011!! What an exciting week it will be! We have finished theme 4 in our reading series and will be assessing this week. We will spend our language arts time this week reading Christmas books, practicing sequencing and story mapping and improving our sentence writing. We took our chapter 3 test in math last Tuesday and will spend this week practicing our basic facts. We will continue with our study of the birth of Our Savior in religion. The afternoons find us quite busy with preparations for the Christmas Program and we will be busy little elves, crafting a surprise – SHHHHH!!!! You don’t know anything about it!
Reminders and Announcements for the week:
- A letter will be coming home that details what your child is to wear for the Christmas Program. Please read through the letter and note the items your child needs.
- The Christmas Program is Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. and should not be missed. The story is quite touching, the children are absolutely adorable and they sound terrific!
- Please remind your child to bring their library book to school on Tuesday so that they may check out a new one to read over the Christmas break.
- Water bottle sales continue on Tuesday. Thank you for your support!
- Friday is a noon dismissal with mass, followed by our secret Santa exchange and our Christmas party!!! A big thank you to the parents who are planning our party!
Have a wonderful week and blessed Christmas.
Miss. Manning