I hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving weekend.
It is hard to believe December is only a week away. Monday begins the second trimester of school.
Monday we will are ready to meet and welcome 3 new kinder friends to our class!!
Important Events in December: Teddy Bear Day -please bring in a new stuffed animal for children in Los Angeles Archdiocese Adopt-A-Family program. Anytime this week is fine, or by Wednesday, December 5. Food Share we are asked to bring in non-perishable food items for the less fortunate in this county during the week of December 10.
Our December birthdays are Emma and Caleb!
Academics for this week:
Religion – Jesus our King, to him we pray and sing! We will discuss how Jesus is a different kind of king. Reviewing our blessings and remembering to be thankful. Preparing for Advent. Thinking / talking about when we go to Mass and what we see and hear in Church.
Phonics – our new series finds us looking at the alphabet and words as detectives, practicing snap words (sight words), Words their Way has us sorting cleaning items. We will sort pictures that help clean home and ourselves.
Reading – working as super readers – we reread with partners, use picture cues, pointing to each word as we read, using sound power, and identifying snap words.
Writing workshop – Informational Writing; we are working towards telling in our words and pictures how to do or make something in 3 steps.
Everyday Math – working with games to reinforce number relationships and number recognition; using concrete objects to develop an understanding of addition and subtraction, and continuing to review counting and sequencing numbers 0-20 with card activities.
Science – reviewing animals and their characteristics and how fall changes help animals to prepare for winter.
Social studies – learning how people lived long ago and differences in today’s living; mapping skills.
Friday is a full day of school –
God bless your families