Dear Kindergarten Parents,

Amazing how time flies by when your having fun! What a great year we have had. 🙂  Thank you for your children, they have all done a fantastic job learning and making friends this year. I appreciate all our families for the extra time and things you did to make our year special. I am grateful for all your continued support.  AND I am truly blessed to know each student and proud of what they have accomplished in our class.

Our last 5 days of school will consist of constructive learning with lots of fun as we play and prepare for our summer vacation. Each day have your child bring in their backpack, we will be taking home books, journals, crafts, and other classroom supplies.

Weekly reminders:

Monday is Field day in the afternoon. Have your child wear their “family” color listed in last week’s school letter. Dismissal at 2:45.

Tuesday – our last science lab will be on changing states of matter — we will be making oobleck and taking home a sample. We are in uniform! Dismissal at 2:45.

On Wednesday we will attend the 8th grade graduation Mass. Please join us if your schedule permits. We are in uniform! Dismissal at 2:45.

Thursday is our Spirit Day and a 12:00 dismissal. Hot dog lunch is provided by our PTC.  Free dress – no $$$ Last day for EDC.

Friday we attend Mass- back in class for report cards -gather up remaining school supplies for home. Dress in uniform! Dismissal is at 10:00, then it’s here…. SUMMER VACATION !!

Summer homework will be posted on the school website – look for first grade – all grade levels will have ELA, math, and typing homework to complete and return on August 13 as the 2014-15 school year begins!

Enjoy a safe and relaxing summer vacation !

Mrs. Carol Brown
