Happy Monday!
This week we will attend the Stations of the Cross on Wednesday at 2:00. Please join us if your schedule permits. It was nice to have parents and/or relatives join us on Ash Wednesday.
I would like to help Mr. Doswell’s class with the RAIN project in Camarillo. This organization needs family supplies please note his letter for details. It is a great way to give to those in need during this season of Lent. https://www.sacredheartschoolventura.org/fourth-grade-to-support-rain-project/
The non-fiction book reports were amazing! Your children did a great job reporting on real life events/animals/and historical accounts. I received many emails stating the document printed out fine- which kept me from printing several hard copies to send home. Although, if you need a copy please email me for a clearer print.
Kinders are growing and I am seeing many have new shoes. I realize how difficult it is to find shoes in one solid color. Please note shoe/lace requirements-from our school handbook: ‘shoes predominantly solid color white, red, navy blue, black, gray or brown shoes. Laces should be colored the same as above’. The accent color laces that come with some shoes can be worn on free dress days.
Here is a look at our academic week:
Religion: Lenten practices – Stations of the Cross- and our Church family.
ELA: reading fiction/non-fiction books, focus letter /l/ and short vowel /i/. Sight word work as we build sentences. Writing responses from listening to stories. READ together each night and send in a shamrock for our end of month drawing.
EM- Section 5 activities 14 and 15. Shared writing on pets from our graph, describing blocks and other objects with multiple attributes and number grid work with number patterns. Continue to reinforce counting by 1’s, 2’s, 5’s and 10’s to 100.
Science: water cycle and properties of water.
Social Studies: Our American symbols.
Motor Skills: At this time of year we incorporate shoe lacing and tying into our fine motor skills twice a week. If your child needs help with this skill… additional help at home is appreciated!
This week we have a full day on Friday.
Enjoy your week!
Mrs. Carol Brown