Spring is almost here! This week starts the third trimester of school. Your students are showing a lot of growth. Please encourage them to keep doing their very best work.
- Wednesday is a busy day:
- free dress — for $1.00 to support “Blessings in a Backpack”
- Stations of the Cross at 11:00
- Talent Show at 1:00.
We will be reviewing and writing about SLE A. 4 which is “Make good choices like Jesus.” Which fits well with our Religion text chapter 17, Church Is Good. We will read and reflect on two meanings of church, as a family of people who believe in God and as a building where God is present in a special way.
Reading strategy this week is: understanding the ‘plot’ of the story. As you read with your child, ask them about plot and/or if the story is real or make believe.
Phonemic awareness this week sound of /k/. Much review is going on in class as we work with consonants and short vowels ( a, i) as we blend sounds for simple CVC words. Words such as: sit, sat, fit, fan, etc. We are also working with ending sounds, especially the difference in words ending with sound of /t/ and /n/. Writing practice with sight words and word families, ‘it’, ‘an’, and ‘at’. Your children are really doing great learning their sight words.
Math lessons continue with calendar and events related to time. We will begin to tell time to the hour and use vocabulary words, hour hand, minute hand, analog and digital clocks. Planting vegetable seeds on Tuesday the first day of Spring, Wednesday a lab on soil and we will begin to understand how the water cycle works. Social Studies continues with people in our community and their occupations.
Lastly, Friday is a noon dismissal.
Enjoy your week,
Mrs. Carol Brown