March seems to be ending like a lion! It is hard to believe there are only five days left in this month. In class, we will be reading about Palm Sunday and making a palm craft. Holy Week will be discussed as we prepare for Easter.
Report Cards are coming home on Tuesday. Please sign envelope and return it. The report card is for your records. Your children have accomplished a great deal this trimester.
Our reading strategy is comprehension and plot. As we read it is important to stop and discuss characters, the setting of the story, then use the beginning, middle, and end to reflect on the message of the story. Letter focus is Qq for sound and print formation. New ‘it’ family word is “quit” as found in a story from phonics readers.
Math has us working on Time. In kindergarten we tell time to the hour. We note the difference of the words ‘clock’ and ‘o’clock’. A difficult concept is noting how much time (in hours) passes for certain events or activities, especially when showing on a clock. Vocabulary words: time, clock, o’clock, hour hand, minute hand, analog, and digital will be our focus this week.
We planted vegetable seeds on the first day of spring. This week we should be seeing signs of new life in our garden. Wednesday we will observe soil in the science lab.
Reminder: Library books must be returned each week to check out a new one.
April service hour calendar will be sent out this week.
Drop me an email if you have any questions or concerns.
Have a great week!
Mrs. Carol Brown