Happy Monday! Off we go on our field trip this morning. We will learn about many types of plants as we tour Green Thumb Nursery. The Healthy Eaters program at Albertson’s will start off our unit on health and good food choices.
Jog-a-thon was a success! We earned 5 free dress days. This week Wednesday and Friday are the first two free dress days, no $$$.
It was very difficult to choose the five finalists for the speech contest. We had at least 16 students who memorized their poems and were ready to compete. What a decision it was to narrow it down to 5 kinders! We will be judged along with 5 first graders on Tuesday. Our five finalists: Helen, Joseph, Emma, Andrew and Roman. Great job to all my students for their hard work and great poem choices.
Religion: Chapter 22 ‘Celebrating is Good’. We learn the habits of prayer and praying with others when celebrating together in church and the meaning of gifts. Our rosary prayers continue as we focus on Mary this month.
ELA: Theme 9 continues with a review of short vowel sounds (especially /e/) and simple CVC words for segmenting and blending. Syllables in spoken words; sounds for letters /w/ and /y/; comprehension skills include story components, sequence of events; for vocabulary we will work on action words; and writing with rhyming words in our journals.
EM: counting with higher numbers, patterns with different items, counting decades representing with the first number and adding the ones. Addition and subtraction practice to 20 and beyond.
Science: health and nutrition, our lab finishes with animal life cycles.
Social studies: our focus will be on Memorial Day.
I hope all mothers enjoyed their special day. Thank you for your children!
Mrs. Carol Brown