The Story Telling Festival in Ojai was wonderful and the weather was hot! I hope your children had a moment to tell you about their bus ride and the stories told.
Progress reports will be send home on Tuesday, please sign and return by the following Tuesday, May 14.
Religion: learning about Mary and her visitations. As the season of Easter is drawing to a close, we will begin to discuss the Ascension of Jesus.
In May we will celebrate two birthdays. Nicholas on May 11 and Ramon on May 13. We will be busy making birthday books this week. There are four birthdays in July. Megan on July 4, Nathaniel on the 9th, and Sean and Nathan both turn six on July 17. My plan is to celebrate Megan and Nathaniel before June. Sean and Nathan will have a special day in June.
An overview of this week:
Phonics: initial letter/sound focus of /f/, /s/, and /b/. Ending sounds of /x/ and /t/. Short vowel sounds /a-o/. As we work through the final week of theme 8, story comprehension focus is on drawing conclusions.
Math: working through addition story problems, basic facts 0-9, and doubles. Our centers continue to review counting counts and place value games.
Science has us exploring magnetic properties in the lab In class we are learning about our natural resources. Our American Symbols and a craft for Memorial Day will be our focus for social studies.
Full day on Friday – a school family activity in the afternoon.
The Jogathon is coming soon! A week of free dress if we meet our donation goal. For more information click on link:
That should takes us through the week!
If you have any questions…please feel free to contact me.
Bless your families,
Mrs. Carol Brown