On Friday the 8th grade class participated in  a very special webcast sponsored by the Reagan Library and the Medal of Honor committee. The panel consisted of 4 Medal of Honor winners, 2 from WWII and 2 from the Vietnam War. The 4 military men spoke to an audience of several high school and middle school students and 128 schools watched the discussion. During the discussion we texted questions to the panel. The gentlemen spoke about their military experience, challenges, and leadership skills. We then had a discussion afterwards and the students were amazed at the challenges these men faced, their morals, and their sense of honor and humor. Our discussion focused on the 4 keys to success, each one from one panel member. The keys are stay true to yourself, be faithful to God, high self-esteem, and civility. All important factors to success as the 8th grade begins looking ahead to high school.
