It is hard to believe that this is the last week of October! Lots to do during this exciting week…
Halloween tattoo money is being collected for Friday. Cost $1.00 each- your child may buy several, only two will be worn at school – the remaining will sent home for Halloween evening.
Friday is a noon dismissal. Free dress (no $$ this time) NO costumes, please! Halloween colors are allowed for shirts and pants. Halloween themed hair ribbons and socks are fine.
Now for our academics:
Religion – we will continue with learning about saints- and respond in our text book. We have a short quiz on Saints this week. Our SLE focus is A.1 – Learn about the Church and share with others. And B.5 – Know what they do well. It is so important for young children to know their accomplishments result from hard work. They are hard workers!
ELA- Theme 3 — We’re a Family continues on this week. Focus letter Bb, vocabulary: family words, movement, types of clothing and action words. As we listen to re-aloud books our comprehension skills are: story structure; characters and setting; inferences and drawing conclusions. Reading strategies- evaluate; predict/infer; summarize; phonics/decoding to help us become good readers.
EM- math stories: addition and subtraction stories are being introduced at the end of section 2 in Everyday Math. Our centers will continue with teen numbers, making patterns, and estimation to reinforce previous skills.
Science – a fun lab on Tuesday – something gooey!
November 12 our first off campus field trip and we are going with our fourth grade buddies! The trip is by bus – to the Channel Islands Museum. Featured on this trip is a ‘Live Hike’ videoconferencing program with rangers on Anacapa Island, an age appropriate program for each grade, self-guided tour of the museum, and the Channel Island movie. Please pack a paper bag lunch and a drink or small water bottle. Permission slip must be signed and in school by November 7 for you child to attend. Cost $12.oo For permission slip please click on link below:
permission slip for Channel Islands Museum and Visitor Center
Social studies- understanding people of long ago and comparing life today.
**Remember the Saint’s Parade is coming next Friday, November 7. Check how costume fits while walking, sitting, and kneeling so we do not have any problems in church. I know they will be in showing their best Saintly behavior.
Thank you for you children!
Mrs. Carol Brown