Welcome to today’s celebration of the Class of 2020! It is a special time for  the graduates, their proud parents and grandparents, and for all of us. 

It is a time for looking back on lessons learned, adventures shared, bright moments filled with special meanings.  It is a time to say goodbye to old friends, to good times you’ve known…it is a time to pack away memories and treasures for tomorrow.  It is also a beginning…a time to look forward, a time to set new goals, to dream new dreams, to spread your wings and see what lies beyond.

Eighth grade: Although our physical time together was abruptly cut short, I am so glad to have been able to “see” you each and every day in Zoom classes.  It seemed strange at first to go from gathering in the classroom, catching up on the news, watching the circles of friends embark on a new day to the new normal of a bit sleepy-eyed, bed-haired students trying to adjust to seeing each other on a computer screen. Truth be told, I always looked forward to ending the day with you…you had time to wake up by then and were usually a bit happier being together in our new normal…always excited for something new.

You have had quite a year!  Your leadership was inspiring – you brought many new ideas to class meetings, you used the right-side of your brain  – you connected to your art, your senses, your faith, creativity, enthusiasm and imagination and brought those to department meetings, Mass planning, Assemblies, Families and to class. 

Even now, after adjusting to distance-learning seemingly overnight, you were more than willing and able to hold Families, classroom visits, and Assemblies via Zoom.  You have learned new skills, you persevered, and you have succeeded!

You face a future that holds the unknown but with the foundation you have built here at Sacred Heart School, with the love of your family and friends and with your faith, you will meet whatever life has in store for you.

You are ready for the next step.  However, I ask you to take this chance to dedicate yourself to making the next years even better. 

Be humble enough to realize you still have a lot to learn.

Be ambitious enough to know you can be anything you want to be.

Be easy enough on yourself to enjoy, to laugh, to have fun.

Be mature enough to take responsibility for what you do.

Be proud enough to take care of your body, your mind, and your spirit.

Be confident enough to see that who you are inside is more important than how you look outside.

Be wise enough to choose your friends carefully.

Be absolutely sure that, wherever you go, whatever you do, to embrace the life God gives you.

            always seek His face,

                always hope, always dream,

                              work hard, pray hard, serve often

And love unconditionally…as He has always loved you.

This is the end of one part of your journey and the beginning of the next.  It has been an honor being part of your journey.  May God watch over you and guide you.

Congratulations, Class of 2020 – Here we go!
