As part of helping families in need, we are bringing in cereal boxes for our mission, Adopt-a-Family. Along with the cereal we bring in a plush animal to support this effort. December 9 we will have our annual ‘Teddy Bear’ day. Please find time in your shopping in the next couple weeks to purchase a plush and an extra box of cereal.
Friday ends our first trimester! While I was lesson planning and looking over your children’s work for this first trimester…they are indeed growing academically, individually and together as a class of young learners.
On Tuesday, the family envelope comes home – conferencing schedules will be in the envelope. Please communicate with Mrs. Hahn for any changes with conference times.
This week’s reading begins with segmenting and blending sounds to build and read words. Thus far we have spent considerable time picture and sight word reading. Now our focus is to put together all these skills and begin to read leveled books. Letter/sound for this week /h/. Reading strategy is to question.
Math finds us measuring with non-standard units, playing games with a number line, comparing and ordering numbers, and to use strategies for solving addition and subtraction problems. Everyday math sections 3.6. 3.7 and 3.8. Parents can follow along on the EM site for terms and concepts used in class.
Science continue with mammals, their habitats, and preparation for the winter months.
People long ago and today; Thanksgiving traditions will be our social studies discussion and lesson for this week.
Friday is Primary Centers with a noon dismissal
That should take us through the week!
Mrs. Carol Brown