Dear Kindergarten Families,
It’s hard to believe that November is more than half way over!
- This is a full week of school with a full day on Friday. The first trimester ends on Friday.
- Tuesday an art lesson with Ms Nancy Spooner
- Wednesday is a free dress to support Adopt-A-Family – please send in a dollar or two!
- We will have a lock-down drill Wednesday morning.
Academics this week continue with learning about Saints. We will do a bit of writing and drawing with saints in mind. Last Friday your children enjoyed listening to the 8th grade tell about their patron Saint.
- ELA – sight word word, rhyming, and sentences including punctuation.
- Reading Workshop reading non-fiction and learning to find the facts.
- Writer’s Workshop finds us drawing pictures and using some of our sight words to tell a true story.
- Math continues with measurement and addition facts to 20.
- Science a mystery lesson on turkeys
- Social studies comparing how people celebrated Thanksgiving long ago with present times.
The Young Explorer magazine is a part of our non-fiction science and social studies reading. This week will be learning how crayons are made, exploring an African National Park, a lost camera and a polar bear. These magazines will come home during school year. Keep the magazine at home for your collection.
Mrs. Brown