Dear Kindergarten Families,
During this short week before Thanksgiving, our goal is to reflect on all that we are thankful for. I want to say to every family member, I am very thankful for your students! We have lots of fun learning together. 🙂 I appreciate all parents and grandparents, your continued support makes our school great.
Homework for this week is to read and add to the book-it form.
We will have Mass on Wednesday morning at 8:30 sitting with our school families. If you plan to attend Mass with us, let me know and I will try to locate where your student is sitting.
Have a wonderful time with family on Thanksgiving! Rest and relax — enjoy family and friends over the long weekend.
Lastly, if you are out shopping, please purchase a stuffed animal for our Teddy Bear day on December 6. All students love to bring in a plush and in the spirit of giving…help others whose Christmas is very different than ours.
Thank you for choosing Sacred Heart School!
Mrs. Brown