What a beautiful Saint’s Day presentations and Parade! Thank you for your little saints, they looked amazing, did a great job telling their Saint’s name and sitting so quiet through Mass.
Announcements for this week:
Thanksgiving Donut presale starts today will be collecting until November 14. Cost for this fundraiser is $2.00 and we are only buying one. All proceeds go to the Adopt-A-Family mission.
Thursday is a free-free dress – but we must wear red, white and/or blue for the Flag Retirement Ceremony at 11:00.
Friday is a noon dismissal.
Next Monday, we observe the Veterans Day holiday.
A birthday this month! Emily is celebrating her special day at the end of November!
A peek at our academic week:
Saint work to finish in our religion text, Chapter 7 Families Are Good, and learning the order of Mass. 8th grade ‘saints’ are coming in on Thursday to teach us about their lives.
ELA – Phonics Workshop – how to learn a word is the focus, Words Their Way has us working on beginning and ending sounds as we sort Plants and Animals. Reading and Writing Workshops start a new unit. Readers are going to use their Super Powers to look and point, and read everything they can; Writers will start informational writing, by writing in 3 steps ‘how to’ make or do something. Sorry we have not had time to check sight words – we are always working on sight words in class and I can see most are ready for list 3. Testing this week.
Everyday Math finds us working on number stories and symmetry – with all the practice for our saints we need to catch up a bit. Then on to section 3 to practice on printing numbers, reviewing patterns and higher number recognition.
Science continues with fall changes and the seasons – and an art projects relating to animal changes.
Veterans Day – We are grateful for the sacrifices American Veterans did for us. This will be taught by reading information, through words, actions and a craft.
Have a wonderful week!
Mrs. Brown