Dear Kindergarten Families,

After the Saint’s Parade we went outside for free time on the playground. Kinders were happy and proud of their part as saints and letting all see and hear them. With some running around they then decided to make a sunflower, complete with flower, stem and leaves! Your children did an amazing job !!

This Wednesday we have a free dress for $1.00 or more-so far we have done amazingly well with our contributions. Thank you for your generosity.

Friday is Veterans Day and school is not in session!

Looking ahead:  a canned food drive will start the week of November 28 – a large paper bag will come home with a list of food items to help the less fortunate in our area. Each morning there will be large containers along the front of school in parking lot area to drop off food items.


Religion- follow up with saints- discuss our Veterans, reading in our religion book – Thanking is Good.

ELA – working with the Word Their Way sorts to rhyme, find sight words, hear beginning sounds and compound words. Reading Workshop continues with super pointer power, reread, retell story, as we read in private and with partners. Writing Workshop this week continues with narrative writing. We will be practicing our sight words list 1-3 in class as partners and with adult help.

EM- starting estimation, measurement, and number stories. At home make up simple addition counting stories.

Science continues with animals- noting growth, changes, and their coverings.

Social studies – we will be learning about the armed forces as we read and color a Veterans Day booklet.

Enjoy your week!

Mrs. Carol Brown


