We had much so fun creating our Jack-O-Lanterns for Primary Centers. Thank you to all parents who were able to help in class and for those who helped get us ready for this center.
Our week starts freely dressed on Halloween, ends beautifully dressed as Saint’s!
Tuesday we return ready to settle back into school. Our day starts with attending Mass at 8:30 for All Saint’s Day- please join us if your schedule permits.
Thursday we have our ‘on campus’ field trip, cost is $8.00. More information? click on The Wartville Wizard I’m sure your child will have lots to say about static electricity after this workshop!
Friday is our annual Saint’s Parade. Please send your student to school in their saint’s costume – school uniform underneath. Children participating in the Saint’s Parade will have preferred seating. Parents or buddies will not be sitting with us for this event. After Mass second and first grade will speak about their saint, kindergarten children will tell name of their saint. Parading around school campus to show off our Saints will follow Mass. Parents and family members are encouraged to stay and watch this memorable event.
Religion continues with learning about Saints. We will practice speaking our Saint’s name and how we will precede into church.
ELA – Reading Workshop is all about using our super reading powers! We are reading using a pointer or our finger to track each word. A focus on words and spaces between words, understanding the meaning of spacing: new words are coming. This pairs nicely with Writers Workshop, as we learn to space between words or letters representing words. We have begun to use sight words and drawings to write simple sentences expressing our thoughts. Words their Way finds us working with alphabet letters/sounds, syllables, compound words, reviewing rhyming words and poems.
Math- continuing to play math games with teen numbers with sequencing. Each day we count by 2’s, 5’s, 10’s, count by even and odd to 20. Place value is part of our calendar work each day. It is a difficult skill to master, talk about 10’s and 1’s at home when number talk comes up. Hopefully we will have a bit of time to start estimation…
Science – Animals continue with similarities and differences as we explore animals coverings. Observing our garden, which is growing well with this bit of rain. We will measure and record the height of the vegetables. Of course much of science and reading this week and next will revolve around what we learn from the Wartville Wizard workshop.
Enjoy your little saints!
Mrs. Carol Brown