Today we will have our first off campus field trip! In the morning we will walk to the Fire Station on Darling Road with Firefighter Thom Hoffman. This field trip makes interdisciplinary connections as we learn about people in our community (Social Studies) and (Geography) by understanding town, city and community.
This week we will celebrate two birthdays, Sheridan had her birthday on the 7th and Diego October 11. Our class will spend time creating a birthday book for our friends.
On another note, please talk to your children about sharing food, what you pack for your child is their lunch. It is not worth the potential problems that could occur with many food allergies and/or diets that some children have. We do not have too much of a problem with this, but occasionally someone offers a bit of their food.
Religion: Chapter 4 God’s World is Good. This chapter is based on Pslam 33:5, “The Earth is full of goodness of the Lord.” For the next few weeks we will be discussing several Saints! We already have two students who have decided on their saint. Livia is St. Joan of Arc and Hope will be St. Hope for the annual Saint’s Parade.
Language Arts: Our reading strategies as we listen to stories are learning to note details and to compare and contrast. Letter/sound recognition continues as we work through the alphabet. Reading skills for our beginnning readers are sight words and learning to read pictures. This week: sight word practice and testing, if your child knows all sight words in 3 seconds or less, they will bring home a new list to practice and learn.
Math lessons continue with patterns, we will follow with one-to-one coorespondance later in this chapter. Skip counting is practiced daily by 2s. 5s, and 10s. Number formation is a continuing skill we are trying to master.
In Science we have been learning the parts of a seed and movement of seeds. This week we will have a lab on the parts of a plant. Through observation in our kindergarten yard, we have seen plants grow. In the lab we will observe the major structures of plants.
This Friday dismissal at 12:00– with Primary Centers!
Have a good week-
Mrs. Carol Brown