A busy week and a bit warm, all students need to bring in water bottles. The eighth graders are continuing to sell bottled water for $1.00 on Tuesday and Thursday.
Picture Retake is on Thursday – you must return photos and envelope.
Friday morning Mass and a full day of school.
October Birthdays !!
There are four friends celebrating their special day this month…Natalie, Priscilla, Mila, and Malia!!!
October is the month of the Rosary…we will be learning and praying in class. Learning about Saints will continue through the month. Please let me know if you are having trouble deciding on which saint your child will portray. I have an album of children pictured in saints costumes in class if anyone would like to take a look.
ELA – sight words, sentences, and letters/sounds. Reading workshop finds us re-reading all parts of books from cover to cover, we look carefully and slowly at everything on each page. Our strategy is “Reread to learn more”. Writing workshop new section, “Writing Teaching Books”. This is one of the favorites, we turn our writing pieces into scrolls and/books, more detail and more writing… ask about it!
EM – a new section in Math. This week we focus on 2 D shapes, spatial vocabulary and concepts, and a game, spin a number – helping to reinforce counting and reading numbers 1-10.
Science – we planted seeds last month and now we have little sunflower plants! They need transplanting before they get too big! We will review the root system, stem, and leaves along with soil, water and sun.
Social Studies – Columbus, directions and maps.
This should take us through the week!
Bless your little saints!
Mrs. Brown