Tomorrow we will celebrate Valentine’s Day with academic worksheets geared to the holiday and end the day with our class party. I will miss all your children for the next three days. I’ll be back on Friday, which is a half day of school. Followed by a three-day weekend as we observe President’s Day on Monday.
Very exciting news, we are ready for our first bus field trip! As you probably have seen the permission slip in your child’s gold folder. The cost is $8.50 and both permission slip and money need to be in by Thursday, Feb. 16.
We will see all types of plants, and learn about healthy choice foods at Green Thumb Nursery and Albertson’s Grocery Store. Both of these places of business offer excellent and informative field trips. This goes right along with our science lessons on plants and good food choices.
God’s message is to love and care for others. We have been reading and discussing some of the parables told by Jesus with a Children’s Bible. Next week we will continue writing about our SLE’s. Today we started the writing for the Palmisano contest.
Phonics letter practice is Pp, number and letter formation. We will begin learning how to use a number line, 0-20. When you can ask your child about even and odd numbers. Continue to read, library books must be returned to check out a new one. I do not have many January Book-it forms. I will accept them next week. You can download a new form by clicking here February Book-it form .
Thank you for your children!
Have a nice week.
Mrs. Carol Brown