Dear 4th Grade Families, We are soaking up our last few days together! Here’s an update of what we are currently learning and doing in class! Important Dates and Reminders: Our Learning: Homework Let’s have a great week, Ms. Schmaeling
Our 8th grade students continue their walk towards graduation by hosting our Family Field Day. Following a final Monday morning in class, the 8th grade students prepare our field for the many fun stations each family will visit during the afternoon. From games, to the parachute, and to musical chairs, families spend time at each […]
Hello First Grade Families! This week is a short one! We have a noon dismissal on Thursday! Friday and Monday school will be closed to honor the Memorial Day holiday. This last week we had special activities planned by the 7th and 8th graders! The 8th graders helped us make paper flowers to honor Mary’s […]
The 8th grade class worked in small groups and chose an historical time period to recreate with a diorama. They worked hard and were very creative with their designs. Some groups chose Ancient Egypt, Rome, Middle Ages, Civil War, and Mayans. Each group presented the project with a summary review of what happened during that […]
Happy Monday! We have a short, but busy week up ahead! Important Dates Weekly Homework Sneak Peek of our Academic Week math: We continue working on multiplying 2-digit numbers. We will also spend this week taking math assessments to measure our tremendous math growth this school year! reading & science: Animal Research Clubs! This week, […]
Dear Kindergarten families, Hard to believe we are halfway through May and nearing the finish line for Kindergarten. Completed class work is coming home end of week. Please empty and return folder after you enjoy your child’s work. There is more great stuff to send home. 🙂 Friday’s Color Run was a fun day. Thank […]
5th Grade Academics RELIGION We are still learning about vocations in Religion this week – focusing on matrimony and Holy Orders. MATH This week it is all about fractions. We are working on adding fractions and mixed numbers. We also have STAR Testing this week. Math on Tuesday and Reading on Thursday. SCIENCE The kids […]
Dear 4th Grade Families, I hope you all had a great Mother’s Day weekend! We hope you enjoy your gifts! Our class is excited for our field trip this week. We are halfway through May and are learning more and more each day. Here’s an update of what we are currently learning in class! Don’t […]
I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and beautiful Mother’s Day! Just about halfway through May, and just a few weeks left of school! We are still learning so much and having fun along the way! Important Dates Weekly Homework (Due 5/21) Sneak Peek of our Academic Week math: We begin our last and […]
Good morning First Grade Families! I hope everyone had a relaxing weekend. The students worked very hard on their gifts for their mother’s these last few weeks. They worked with care and attention too! I know we will have a good time today talking about their surprises to you! Last week we also had fun […]