Dear Kindergarten Families, Parent homework – if you have not bought a stuffed animal-please do! Teddy Bear Day on Wednesday, December 6. Student homework: Read 20 minutes each night for the 2 1/2 weeks before Christmas vacation. Book-it form is due on December 19 for pizza certificate. Report on a story and play Monster Squeeze. […]
The First Trimester Service Hours Report is included in your December Family Envelope. Each family is required to give a minimum of 5 hours per trimester, 15 hours per year. Information about service hour opportunities is available on the school website, in many monthly Family Envelopes, or by contacting the school office. A payment of […]
First Trimester Scrip Reports are included in your December Family Envelope. A part of the annual budget, the school depends on the income from the scrip program, and while participation in the scrip program is voluntary, the $400 annual scrip obligation is part of each family’s tuition commitment. Many families find that purchasing scrip cards […]
Hello 3rd Grade Families! I hope everyone enjoyed the holiday weekend among family and friends. There will be much happening in the following three weeks. Below are some highlights. -The St. Vincent de Paul food drive is taking place now. Students took home bags on Monday and are encouraged to fill them up with non-perishables. […]
Part of the annual holiday tradition for the 8th grade classes includes writing children stories for the lower grades that incorporate core Catholic values. Past themes include Catholic Virtues and Fruits of the Holy Spirit. This year the theme is Spiritual Works of Mercy. The students created Buncees with a story that illustrates how to […]
Dear Second Grade Families, I hope everyone had a great few days with family and friends! We begin our second trimester in full swing with Teddy Bear day on Dec. 6th, preparing for our Christmas Program, our weekly Advent Assembly, and all our academics. During this time of year, we remember to give to […]
THE WEEK AHEAD: Welcome back, and welcome to the second trimester. Work packets will be coming home tomorrow. We will have a half-day on Friday. Students will bring home grocery bags this week for the St. Vincent de Paul food drive, which will be held next week, from December 4th through the 8th. Next Wednesday, […]
Dear Families, I hope everyone had a blessed Thanksgiving Day! This Friday is a noon dismissal. The St. Vincent de Paul Food Drive begins on Monday, December 4th. This week grocery bags will be given to the students. Teddy Bear Day is Wednesday, December 6th. Below please see an overview of our week: Math: We […]
Dear Parents, November 27, 2017 I hope that all had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend with friends and family. Here’s what we are doing in first grade… Language Arts: We are back to our normal lessons within writing and reading. We will continue to look at nonfiction texts. This week, we will be focusing on […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, I hope all families had a blessed Thanksgiving Day and nice weekend. Monday starts the second trimester! As these next two weeks begin, please note our continued school mission is to help others. Please purchase a plush animal with tag for Teddy Bear Day. Next Wednesday, Dec. 6 sometime during the morning, […]