Dear Second Grade Parents, We have only 3 days this week and a lot to do. A Peek at our Academic Week: Homework: Students must complete a minimum of 125 minutes of reading this week. There is no other homework required except for reading log. 🙂 RELIGION: Children are allowed to bring something to share of […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, This is a three-day school week and a five-day weekend! Enjoy the Memorial Day weekend…..then have your child come ready to learn on Tuesday, May 30. This week learn how Jesus gave us the gift of the Holy Spirit lesson from our religion textbook and the Children’s Bible. English Language Arts review: […]
Dear Families, This week is a short week for the students. We will have P.E. on Wednesday so please make sure your child in is P.E. uniform on Wednesday. Students will start the long weekend on Thursday. School will resume on Tuesday, May 30th. Below is an overview of our short week. Science: We will […]
We have a very short week and a very long weekend coming up. We will start some units this week, but most work will carry over until next week. We will have P.E. on both Tuesday and Wednesday this week. THE WEEK AHEAD: Religion: We will have a test on Unit 4 on Wednesday. Students […]
Dear Parents, May 22, 2017 We are going to the zoo on Wednesday of this week! Please remind your child to wear jeans/shorts, their SHS polo shirt, and PE shoes! In addition, please remember to pack your child’s lunch in a brown paper bag with their name on the front! We will not be […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, This is the last homework assignment for kindergarten students this year! Please continue to read each night- and list books read on log or Reading Glue. Do the math worksheet and Memorial Day word search. 5-19 Reading Log You will notice over 50 sticks are coming home. Use these for math sheet […]
Third grade families, I hope you are all having a fantastic start to your week. Jog-a-thon was great! THANK YOU to all who donated money and volunteered. Your help and generosity is what made our day such a success. Wednesday, May 31st, third grade will be off on another GREAT field trip to the Chumash […]
Dear Second Grade Families, Thank you to all who came to celebrate on Saturday! I appreciate all the guidance and spiritual support you gave your child during our preparation of receiving the Sacrament of Communion. I would like to especially thank Father Carlos. Also, a special thank you to Mr. Hinojosa for preparing our students […]
Dear Parents, May 15, 2017 I hope all enjoyed Mother’s Day and your gift from your first grader! Language Arts: We are done with our Themes and Spelling Units! Woohoo! We will be spending the last few weeks of school researching our zoo animal in class. We will be reviewing our informative writing as […]
Congratulations to all the fourth graders for their wonderful participation in the Spring Program last Wednesday. I am so proud of each and every one of you! After all the excitement last week, this is a fairly quiet week. Round 4 of Star Testing has begun. Friday is our last full day Friday for the […]