Dear Families, It was great to see everyone at the Jogathon. Everyone had a great time. This Friday is a full day with a 2:45 dismissal. Below is an overview of our week. Math: Our focus this week is on subtraction of positive and negative numbers. Religion: We will be discussing different ways to understand […]
*June 1—New Uniform Sale with Dennis & Proforma on campus AND Used Uniform Sale 2p *June 7—School Graduation Mass & Awards Presentations 8:30a *June 7—Middle School Dance 5:30p *June 8—Spirit Day for K-7, Magic Mountain for graduates *June 9—Last Day of School for K-7 10a Dismissal *June 9—Graduation Mass 7p
The scrip & service hours’ recordkeeping for the 2016-2017 school year closes on Friday, May 19. If you have questions or need help concerning service hours, please contact If you have any questions or need help with scrip, please contact Earned rebates will be delivered to families beginning the first week of June. […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, I hope all mothers and grandmothers enjoyed their special day yesterday! “Life does not come with a manual, it comes with a mother!” Thanking everyone for making our Jogathon a successful day! It was nice to see so many parents and grandparents here to enjoy their children. The month of May brings […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, Read with your children – have them read to you! Read for fluency by re-reading books and the passage included in your child’s homework folder. 5-12 reading log Do some practice in ixl – language arts and math. Have your child work on the skill that best fits their learning. R.1 different […]
Dear Second Grade Families, Our special day is just around the corner. We have a busy week ahead of us with academics and preparation for our First Communion. We will be practicing in church everyday except Friday. Reminders for First Communion: Pictures will be taken in the fourth grade classroom. The photographer will be here […]
A few announcements for third grade! Tomorrow, May 10th, intermediate grades (3rd-5th) will be performing in their Spring Program. The performance will take place at 6:30 PM in the Biedermann Hall. A flyer regarding costumes and what to wear were sent home with your child last week. If your child is not able to attend […]
This year we add Starbucks coffee to items available for purchase on Jogathon morning! We notice many volunteers and guests come to the Jogathon carrying their cup of coffee. Perhaps this year, you will purchase that coffee here, and add to the money we are able to raise for our school! Each cup of coffee […]
The Spring Program will be held this Wednesday, May 10th at 6:30 p.m. Also this Wednesday we have a free dress for St. Jude’s Hospital ($1 or more donation). Our annual jogathon is this Friday, May 12th; all pre-order forms are due on Thursday, and envelopes need to be returned by Friday. Friday will be […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, I want to thank all parents who came to help in class for Primary Centers and to those who spend countless hours preparing our craft at home. Everything runs smoothly when we all work together! Free dress on Wednesday for St. Jude Children’s Hospital. Please contribute 1 dollar or more. The long […]