Dear Families, This Friday is our Jogathon! If you have not already done so please return the Jogathon form. If you ordered Kona Ice your tickets will be inside your child’s ticket envelop. I hope to see everyone there. This Wednesday is Free Dress for a $1 donation. We are also having the Intermediate Grades […]
Dear Parents, May 8, 2017 Take a peak at what first graders are doing in first grade! Language Arts: We are doing an excellent job in our Opinion writing. We will be wrapping up Opinion writing soon so that we can review our Informative writing as we prepare for our upcoming zoo report. We […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, Keep up the reading habit, it is quality time spent. Weekly reading logs are showing many are reading 100 minutes or more each week. I am impressed! Continue reading nightly, your children are doing fantastic 🙂 Spend time on IXL working on the practice that best suits your child. 5-5 ReadingLog Worksheets: […]
Today in Middle School collaborative centers the students completed dioramas about different civilizations. Each mixed grade group created a scene from various time periods. The time periods included ancient Greece, Egypt, and Rome, Middle Ages, Colonial Times, and the Civil War. Each group worked very creatively to make their scenes from daily life.
Thursday afternoon, June 1 Dennis Uniform and Proforma will be in Biedermann Hall from 2-4:30p to allow for ordering and purchasing of new uniforms. We will also have a Used Uniform Sale ON THE SAME DAY AND AT THE SAME TIME. Proforma has a Ventura location and is open daily Monday-Friday and Dennis Uniform has […]
Jogathon, Friday Morning, May 12 following the 8:30a Mass If you have not done so already, please collect donations and sign & return your Jogathon Envelope by Jogathon Morning! A Volunteer/Donation Flyer & Jogathon Order Form is included in the Family Envelope for a second time…just in case! Please return soon if you haven’t yet! […]
Third Grade Families, A few announcements… Tomorrow, May 3rd, we will be on our way to the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History! Please have students wear jeans and a SHS polo. Also, don’t forget a sack lunch with names written on them! Friday, May 5th is a half-day. On the evening of Wednesday, May 10th intermediate […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, Congratulations to our kindergarten friend, Connor who won second place in the Poetry Contest! We were all excited to have a winner in our class! Third trimester progress reports come out Tuesday. Please review, sign and return by Monday, May 8. Friday is Primary Centers. If you can come help please send […]
Hello- Homework Fluency Reading Log : Read 125 minutes a week Math IXL: H. 11 and I.7 Math Unit Review Worksheet: This is a study guide for the test on Thursday (do not return). Here is a Look at our Academic Week: RELIGION We are preparing for First Communion. We will start making our banners […]
Dear Families, On Tuesday third trimester progress reports will be going home. Please sign and return them by Friday. Friday is a noon dismissal. We have been working hard at practicing for our program next Wednesday. Below is an overview of our week: Religion: God calls us to be holy. Science: Our focus this week […]