Dear Parents, November 7, 2016 Thank you to all who came out to support our little saints! Everyone did a great job! Here’s what we are learning in first grade this week! Language Arts: We are continuing on with Readers and Writers Workshop. In addition, we will also be focusing on specific phonetic skills. […]
We are down to the final two weeks of the first trimester, which ends on November 18th. We are busy finishing our first units in both Reading and Writing Workshop; we are ready for another Grammar test this week and will be doing another Math Unit test before the end of the trimester. We will […]
Dear Families, Wednesday is Free Dress for a $1.00 or more donation. On Thursday we are having our on campus This Friday there is no school in observance of Veteran’s Day. Below is a overview of our week: Religion: Chapter 5, The Eucharist is the Center of the Christian Life. Math: We will focus […]
Hello Third Grade Families, Happy Veteran’s Day! As a reminder, school will not be in session this Friday in observance of the holiday. Wednesday is a free dress day. Participating students should donate $1 (or more) to the Archdiocese of Los Angeles Adopt-a-Family Program. Also this week… Math: We’ve made it to Chapter 4: Multiplication […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, After the Saint’s Parade we went outside for free time on the playground. Kinders were happy and proud of their part as saints and letting all see and hear them. With some running around they then decided to make a sunflower, complete with flower, stem and leaves! Your children did an amazing […]
If your schedule permits, please join our students and staff as the 8th Grade leads us in the Retirement Ceremony for a United States flag that flew over our campus for several years. The ceremony will begin at 11a on the school patio. It is a moving and patriotic moment that we invite you to […]
Mark your calendars- Thank-Scrip-ing™ Day is Tuesday, November 22nd! ShopWithScrip wanted to help you get ready for all your Black Friday and Holiday Shopping a little earlier this year, which is why their favorite holiday, Thank-Scrip-ing Day, will be on Tuesday! Don’t miss 24 hours of incredible ScripNow®, Reload, and ReloadNow® bonuses from dozens of […]
The sixth grade class spent their monthly art lesson learning how to draw perspective using charcoal. Ms. Spooner taught them several different techniques to create a sense of distance and shading. The pictures are very beautiful and a bit haunting in the design. Perfect for a November classroom decoration!
Dear Second Grade Families, We will attend Mass at 8:30 a.m. on Friday followed by the saint presentations and parade as it is our celebration of All Saints day! I hope to see many of you on Friday. Remember to have a dress rehearsal at home with your child’s saint costume before Friday. They must […]
Hello Third Grade Families, Happy Halloween!!! I hope everyone was able to enjoy the evening among friends. Tuesday morning we will also celebrate All Saints Day with mass in the morning. Also this week… Math: The class will continue to explore measurement of perimeter and area as we wrap up Unit 3. We will have […]