Dear Families, Welcome to 5th grade! This is our first full week of school. We will be getting use to our normal routines. I look forward to seeing everyone on Wednesday at 6:30 for Back to School Night. Thursday is our day for P.E. please make sure that your child is in full P.E. uniform. […]
Dear Third Grade Families, We are really getting into the swing of things now, working to build stamina and momentum as we begin to establish our daily classroom routines. This week we will have our first homework assignment too, slowly building each week until we reach full speed. For IXL math homework, please complete the […]
Dear Parents, August 16, 2015 Happy first full week of school! Our “normal” school day begins Monday! This week in first grade, we are learning… Language Arts: We are reviewing our letters and the sounds associated with each letter. We will practice printing them and […]
We look forward to sharing the morning with many welcome guests! We invite all to join us at the 8:30a Mass. Please wait at church for the classes to arrive and the teachers will assist in getting family & friends together. The PTC will host a reception in Biedermann Hall following the Mass and at […]
In a constant effort to maintain safety, we encourage all to enter, move through, and exit the parking lot slowly. Those selecting the car line, add to safety & efficiency by moving as far forward as possible before stopping to allow students(s) to exit or enter the car. Arriving students have three corridors to the […]
If your schedule allows, we look forward to seeing your family at our Annual PTC Back to School Potluck on our school lunch tables & field. Food will be set up on the tables at the lunch area and we encourage you to bring play equipment you are willing to share & chairs and/or blankets […]
We look forward to seeing the adult members of each family Wednesday, August 19 at 6:30p. Earlier, the plan was to meet in Biedermann Hall, but please come to the school patio to begin the event. Following some quick general information, family members will meet with the classroom teachers for content specific to each grade […]
If you use the catering service to order lunch for your student(s), please take a moment to go into your account to place your student(s) in his/her/their correct grade for this school year. Each day the lunch orders are posted by grade for the teachers, and it is important that your student is listed correctly. […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, The fun begins today! Our first few days will consist of getting to know each other, routine and rules. We will visit the campus and classrooms, especially our buddies. Fourth grade students sit with us and help us participate in Mass each Friday morning. Fifth grade students pair up with us for […]
School starts on Wednesday, August 12 at 7:50a with three noon dismissal days to start the year. We look forward to our 195-day school year as the additional days offer opportunities for in depth instruction, collaborative groups, and field trips. Please join us for our opening assembly as the school day begins if your schedule […]